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What is an IUCRC?

Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) is a program from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that is intended to generate breakthrough research by enabling close and sustained engagement between industry innovators, world-class academic teams, and government agencies. IUCRCs are designed to help corporate partners and government agencies connect directly and efficiently with university researchers to achieve three primary objectives:

  1. Conduct high-impact research to meet shared industrial needs in companies of all sizes;
  2. Enhance U.S. global leadership in driving innovative technology development, and;
  3. Identify, mentor and develop a diverse high-tech, exceptionally skilled workforce.

The IUCRC program provides a structure for academic researchers to conduct fundamental, pre-competitive research of shared interest to industry and government organizations. These organizations pay membership fees to a consortium so that they can collectively envision and fund research, with at least 90% of member funds allocated to the direct costs of these shared research projects.

Universities, academic researchers, and students benefit from IUCRC participation through the research funding, the establishment and growth of industrial partnerships, and educational and career placement opportunities for students. Industry members benefit by accessing knowledge, facilities, equipment, and intellectual property in a highly cost-efficient model; leveraging Center research outcomes in their future proprietary projects; interacting in an informal, collaborative way with other private sector and government entities with shared interests; and identifying and recruiting talent.

NSF provides funding to support Center administrative costs and a governance framework to manage membership, operations, and evaluation. Each IUCRC is expected to grow over time and be independently sustainable by the end of the award period. Every year, more than 2,000 students engage in industrially-relevant research at Centers nationwide, giving them on the job training for a career in the private sector. About 30% of these student researchers are hired by the member companies.

NSF created the IUCRC program in 1973 to foster long-term partnerships among industry, academics, and government. These partnerships support research programs of mutual interest, contribute to the nation's research infrastructure base, promote workforce development, and facilitate technology transfer. 


Value to Industry

The value to industry is provided through three primary benefits:

  1. Access to Talent. IUCRCs provide the industry with opportunities to mentor and train students to attain desired skills for work in the industry. Center meetings are planned twice per year, which allow for the industry members to learn about the research updates and to network with students, facutly, and other professionals. 
  2. Access to Research Results and IP. IUCRC members gain royalty-free, non-exclusive licenses on intellectual property produced in the center.
  3. Leveraged Research Dollars. IUCRCs provide a high return on investment since the research is jointly funded and 90% of all dollars contributed go directly to fund research.


Value to Government Agencies

The value to government is provided through four primary benefits:

  1. Leveraged Research Dollars. IUCRCs provide a high return on investment since the research is jointly funded and 90% of all dollars contributed go directly to fund research.
  2. Network. IUCRCs provide the opportunity for industry, government, and academia to meet jointly and address the problems requiring research. 
  3. Training. All Center members have opportunities to mentor and train students to attain the desired skills for work in government and industry positions. 
  4. Knowledge Connection. IUCRCs provide meeting opportunities where local, state, and federal best practices can be shared and integrated. 


Value to Universities

The value to academia is provided through four primary benefits:

  1. Collaborative Research. The solutions to complex problems in the aggregate industry require interdisciplinary teams of faculty and researchers. IUCRCs provide a mechanism for close collaboration.
  2. Student Placement. Students involved with the Center can be directly recruited for positions. 
  3. Funding. IUCRCs provide new and sustainable funding pathways. 
  4. Industry Insight. IUCRCs provide a direct connection to learn about the industry needs.